Embed Workflow lets your users create triggers, actions and maximize the potential of what they can do with your software.
Automate Your CRM
How Embed Workflow Enhances Your App A Demo with Pipeline CRM
Embed Workflow offers a solution by providing a flexible, embeddable workflow automation platform that integrates directly into your app.
User schemas
Understanding User Schemas in Embed Workflow: A Complete Guide
Master user schemas in Embed Workflow to create dynamic, data-driven automations. Learn how to structure and implement powerful custom workflows in minutes.
Workflow Integration
How to Create Triggers in Embed Workflow
Complete guide to creating custom triggers in Embed Workflow. Learn how to transform API calls into user-friendly forms with a practical Slack integration example. Perfect for developers implementing workflow automation.
How to Create Actions in Embed Workflow
Complete guide to creating custom actions in Embed Workflow. Learn how to transform API calls into user-friendly forms with a practical Slack integration example. Perfect for developers implementing workflow automation.
Workflow Automation
How to Get the Best Out of APIs with Workflow Automations
Master API workflow automation to save time and eliminate manual tasks. Transform your business processes with Embed Workflow today.
Process automation
What is Process Automation?
Process automation refers to using software and tools to execute tasks that would otherwise require manual intervention.
Automate Workflows
Revolutionize Your SaaS Platform
API integration
What is an API?
An API is a set of rules and protocols that allow one software application to request services or data from another.
Placeholders Security
Sensitive Placeholders
Keep your sensitive placeholders hidden with our new formatting options
Enabled Actions
Configure the action types in your workflows per account.
Origin Story
The origin story of Embed Workflow and how we got started.
OpenAI Integration
Integrate with Open AI
Integrate Embed Workflow and Open AI to power your workflows with AI.
Node JS Demo
See how easy it is to add Embed Workflow to your node js projects. We will embed the workflow builder to a simple Next JS application.
Ruby on Rails UI Demo
Install the Embed Workflow UI components to a Ruby on Rails project.
Feature Alert
Number Fields
Add a number field to your Embed Workflow Form | Feature Update.
Guide Spam
Spam Filtering
Implement spam filtering for your website forms using Embed Workflow, Akismet, and other leading strategies.
Getting Started
This guide is designed to introduce new users to embed workflows and forms using Embed Workflow.
Slack Integration
Integrate with Slack
Integrate Embed Workflow and Slack to receive real-time notifications on form submissions.
Jeykll Contact Form
In this example, we will walk you through setting up a contact form on a Jekyll site while keeping control of your markup and the style of your form.